Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I want cookies

Wow, Jake is just moving right along, literally! He started out Army-crawling, now he does a hybrid crawl between the army and regular. He climbs on everything, but thinks Mom and Dad are the best to crawl over. He is pulling up easily and starting to move his way around the furniture. The other day he crawled into the kitchen so I figured-- what the heck lets give him a mixing bowl and and spoon and see what he does! I also thought I should get him ready to bake those delicious cookies PopPop makes! Too bad he cant eat them yet.

These were some cute pics I took outside. He thinks its really funny to take of his hat and to take of my visor. I think thats what he was doing.

Anyone that knows Jake knows he can EAT. He LOVES to eat. He gets so excited about his bottle or real food. This was a funny video, he would bounce and talk until you got the spoon right to his mouth then just go still so he could eat. then start bouncing again, what a silly boy!

Monday, March 22, 2010

"the crib"

This past week Jake started standing up in his crib. this week Jake started gnawing on his crib! he is like a beaver, chews from one end to the other and back again. ts pretty funny but it can not be good on his teeth. well this is a short blog because i really just want to put up some pics!

video of Jake in crib

Sorry about the video camera moving, I was taping and playing at the same time

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


This week Kurt is out of town at a Haz-Mat conferance. It has been tough with him away and we miss him very much so this week the blog is for Kurt!






Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Spring is coming

I feel spring right around the corner. My weather forecaster (katie) told me it was 70 degrees at her house the other day which meant it was hopefully coming my way in the next day or two. We were right it is 70 here today and the sunshine feels amazing.
We dont have much of a yard at our house but we have a little grass out front so i grabbed Jake and out we went. He has a hard time looking right at the sun, but wont keep his hat on. I just had to get a couple pics, we have been couped up inside way too long this winter!

The fighter jet was flying overhead, he was looking for the noise

Look at those chompers!

"Woohooo we are outside!"

Jake and Daddy napping!

Thursday, March 4, 2010


I have really wanted to take Jake to the park recently and have been waiting very impatiently for the weather to turn nice. Today it was sunny outside so we decided to go but... It was a little too cold (45 degrees)! I am not sure any of us enjoyed it, but we took a couple cute pics.

I dont know how neither of us realized that we had Jake in the swing backwards. oh well, we will get it right next time.

I think kurt was having more fun than Jake

It was a little cold, but Jake still posed for pics!