Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I want cookies

Wow, Jake is just moving right along, literally! He started out Army-crawling, now he does a hybrid crawl between the army and regular. He climbs on everything, but thinks Mom and Dad are the best to crawl over. He is pulling up easily and starting to move his way around the furniture. The other day he crawled into the kitchen so I figured-- what the heck lets give him a mixing bowl and and spoon and see what he does! I also thought I should get him ready to bake those delicious cookies PopPop makes! Too bad he cant eat them yet.

These were some cute pics I took outside. He thinks its really funny to take of his hat and to take of my visor. I think thats what he was doing.

Anyone that knows Jake knows he can EAT. He LOVES to eat. He gets so excited about his bottle or real food. This was a funny video, he would bounce and talk until you got the spoon right to his mouth then just go still so he could eat. then start bouncing again, what a silly boy!

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