Tuesday, April 6, 2010

when life gives you a lemon...

What a fun past couple days. The weather is perfect, i am sitting outside at 7:30pm blogging, it has been warm, blue skies and perfect temperature. in fact it was 85 today. Sunshine makes me happy and seems to make the little man Happy also, he has been all smiles and giggles lately.

We had family flannel day, it was a rainy Monday and we were all home. I was actually wearing flannel also.

We had Gangi (G-ma Donna) and uncle Tommy come down for a visit last week. I think Jake really enjoyed the extra attention, he and Tommy were making each other laugh which was pretty funny. Jake also fell asleep on Uncle T.

Donna helped us organized our garage which was in desperate need of help! Now it looks like another room you can live in!

We also went to the beach, the water is still a little cold and it was a little windy that day so we didnt stay for too long. All in all we had a great visit.

Jake is all smiles....

He loves these puff snacks and I guess he was saving one for later.

He loves them so much he finds the ones he dropped and eats them later.

Jake started sucking his thumb at about 2-3 mo, then he started sucking the back of his hand, now he just does this Dr. Evil thing putting his pinky up by his mouth. he does it when he is tired, gets startled, if I tell him no in a harsh tone. It seems to be his security thing.

Please dont call CPS on this, I could not resist!

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