Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Spring is coming

I feel spring right around the corner. My weather forecaster (katie) told me it was 70 degrees at her house the other day which meant it was hopefully coming my way in the next day or two. We were right it is 70 here today and the sunshine feels amazing.
We dont have much of a yard at our house but we have a little grass out front so i grabbed Jake and out we went. He has a hard time looking right at the sun, but wont keep his hat on. I just had to get a couple pics, we have been couped up inside way too long this winter!

The fighter jet was flying overhead, he was looking for the noise

Look at those chompers!

"Woohooo we are outside!"

Jake and Daddy napping!


  1. Really cute pictures, he looks so grown up! And his hair looks blonde.

    Just call me Weather Girl Katie
