Saturday, March 31, 2012

its a wormy world

Ahh, little boys and bugs! Spring is the perfect time for bug loving kids to get out there and explore all the strange and exciting things that can be found in dirt.

We were out doing yard work the other day and Jake had his shovel and bucket and was putting all the worms he found into the bucket. He is very kind to the bugs and was very concerned about thier comfort in the bucket and making sure they all had friends. He had a Mommy worm and a baby worm and kept saying " ohh they are soooo cuuute!"

Then in typical boy fashion he took a worm out of the bucket and snuck up on me. he had my shirt pulled up and was in the process of pulling my pants down when I realized he had a wormabout 1 cm from my skin. I shrieked like a little girl, dropped my gardening tools and ran through the yard with Jake laughing like a little girl chasing me!

Enjoy the worm pics

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