Thursday, March 15, 2012

the zoo with friends

I am sad to day that our beloved babysitter and her family are moving at the end of the month. Jake has been with then since he was 3 months old. Haley has 2 children Aizlin and Chloe. Aizlin and Jake love each other. It is such a weight off my heart when I drop him off at the sitter and he jumps out of the car only to be tackled in a huge hug by Aizlin, screaming at only a pitch a young girl can reach!

I realized that Aizlin is jakes first friend and we dont have any pictures. They play together all day long I am never there to see it. So to rectify this, we met the other day at the zoo. I was determined to get a picture of Aizlin and Jake together, and not to mention Chloe who is trampled by Jake and Ailin more often than she is hugged by the 2 crazy toddlers!




Silly faces

Typical Aizlin and Jake ( I Think Haley will agree)

this is what They look like when I come to get Jake

Aizlin directing Jake

A desperate attempt to get three kids to look at the camera

I know that Jake will miss his friends, we will miss you all!

1 comment:

  1. Rachel, this is adorable and made me sniffle. I was lucky enough to watch Jake from 3 months to now and see him grow into the smart and lovable little man he is. I've enjoyed every minute (even if it was at 5:30am, Jake finds a way to put a smile on my face)! We are all excited to see Jake each time he comes and we have already talked about how we're really going to miss him after we move. Thanks so much for trusting me with your precious boy even when i lived in the hood HAHAHAHA!
