Thursday, August 27, 2009

Daddy Pats

So when I was a child before I went to bed my dad would come in and pat my back. I am sure many parents do this but in my house they became known as Daddy Pats. Even as I grew up we continued these pats. Now as an adult when I see my Dad I stand in front of him, hunch my shoulders over and he knows to pat my back. So now that I have a son I tend to pat his back as well.
I have noticed that when I am trying to put him down for a nap if you rub his back he gets wiggly, but if you pat his back he calms right down and drifts off to sleep. So it appears as though baby Jake is a fan of Daddy Pats! And even though I often am the one doing the patting, in the name of tradition I will continue to call them Daddy Pats.

Just another funny note, Jake and my dad now have the same haircut. Jake is loosing his baby fuzz!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

busy, busy

We have been BUSY the past 2 weeks! This is my excuse for not updating this blog earlier. Last week Kurts sister Erica came up on wend, I had to recert my CPR on friday, Kurts mom and Step dad came friday and through the weekend, my parents came on saturday and my mom stayed the week. I cant recall what we did all week but it seemed like we were always going somewhere. Ohh i washed my cell phone so had to get another one. I got a new computer for my birthday. Its very nice and has very good picture/media storage since I think we already have 1000 pics of the little guy. Then to top off the week we put an offer in on a house! SO I am looking forward to a little chill time.
It almost seems like Jake is trying to laugh. I try to get it on camera but he gets distracted by the camera in his face and stops. I will keep trying.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I cant believe it, my little man is a month old! It has been the fastest month of my life, I feel like just last week I gave birth. He really is the most amazing thing in my life, I love watching him and all the new things he does everyday. I love the way Kurt is with him, and watching my two boys together.
He has reached some month old milestones:
1. he looks at faces
2. he occasionally gives us a great smile, this is becoming more frequent and melts my heart!
3. he is doing pretty well holding his head up and is able to move his head side to side when on his belly without difficulty
4. He has eye lashes ( i didnt know babies were born without them, but I guess they dont really need them in the womb
5. he has outgrown almost every newborn outfit and is in 0-3.
6. he is making tears

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

ugghh...the FLUX

So everything has been going great except for Jake's reflux or as we refer to it "the FLUX". some nights are good, others it sounds like he is gagging, grunting and just miserable which of course keeps me up as well. It also makes a half hour feeding in the middle of the night turn into over an hour because I have to keep him upright for at least a half an hour, then I end up dozing off in the glider. He has reflux medicine, we have him sleep with either a wedge or in the car seat but sometimes it doesnt matter. anyway, other than that all is good. he is working on head control and occasionally giving us a good smile. He is really looking around as well and LOVES the picture of the firetruck that is over his changing table.