Thursday, August 27, 2009

Daddy Pats

So when I was a child before I went to bed my dad would come in and pat my back. I am sure many parents do this but in my house they became known as Daddy Pats. Even as I grew up we continued these pats. Now as an adult when I see my Dad I stand in front of him, hunch my shoulders over and he knows to pat my back. So now that I have a son I tend to pat his back as well.
I have noticed that when I am trying to put him down for a nap if you rub his back he gets wiggly, but if you pat his back he calms right down and drifts off to sleep. So it appears as though baby Jake is a fan of Daddy Pats! And even though I often am the one doing the patting, in the name of tradition I will continue to call them Daddy Pats.

Just another funny note, Jake and my dad now have the same haircut. Jake is loosing his baby fuzz!

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