Saturday, August 22, 2009

busy, busy

We have been BUSY the past 2 weeks! This is my excuse for not updating this blog earlier. Last week Kurts sister Erica came up on wend, I had to recert my CPR on friday, Kurts mom and Step dad came friday and through the weekend, my parents came on saturday and my mom stayed the week. I cant recall what we did all week but it seemed like we were always going somewhere. Ohh i washed my cell phone so had to get another one. I got a new computer for my birthday. Its very nice and has very good picture/media storage since I think we already have 1000 pics of the little guy. Then to top off the week we put an offer in on a house! SO I am looking forward to a little chill time.
It almost seems like Jake is trying to laugh. I try to get it on camera but he gets distracted by the camera in his face and stops. I will keep trying.

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