Tuesday, October 6, 2009

bouncy toy and gym

SO i decided to get out the bouncy play seat even though it is for 4mo plus. I figured he would be fine because he loves to stand and has pretty decent head control. H tolerate it for about 20 min, but is not coordinated enough yet to play with all the toys so I think he gets frustrated. But he stares at everything and tries to play until he gets bored or frustrated then cries and wants out. He is doing so many new things everyday its fun to watch. I had him in the vibrating seat today and he almost flung himself over onto his side. I guess I will have to start using the seat belt. Kurt and I just recently joined the YMCA (I have to get back into shape!) I was really nervous at first how Jake would do because he wont get one:one attention, but so far it has been great. Everyone that works there loves him and he found a swing that he passes out in and a vibrating seat with a plastic fish tank that he loves to watch. I went to get him the other day and he was so enthralled in this fish tank he did not even acknowledge my presence and cried when I picked him up! Silly guy!

He is actually looking at the picture on the box.

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