Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas! Happy Hannuka!

What a Christmas we had. First, we celebrated on the 24th. Kurt and I both had the 24th off and worked on christmas, so we celebrated a day early.

We had SOOO many presents, but we always do. Its the one time of year I let my wallet do the talking!

Please note the cars in both hands!

We got jake a cool train set and he really likes it. He was very excited in his serious, study everything way. So although he is not smiling in these pictures it is because he is intently focused on the trains!

Jake's favorite new word is Cookie! he says it for everything and we rarely let him eat it. he was in HEaven with his 2 sugar cookies (given on different days!)

Christmas came again a couple days later when Kurt's Mom and sister came into town! Jake got this awesome 4-wheeler.

Happy Holidays!

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