Sunday, September 6, 2009


Kurt graduated from Portsmouth fire academy this past friday. He is very excited to start working in a "real firehouse". He was assigned to the Ladder truck which is whathe wanted. I am very excited for him and his career. I know he feels like he has accomplised one of his goals and looks forward to reaching new ones.
Jake went to graduation and did amazing. He slept the entire time, and once awake was adored by everyone. Speaking of sleep, he has been sleeping 7-9 hours at night which is great, but as most of you know he is sleeping on his stomach. So starting today we are going to try to get him to sleep on his back. A big reason is because he will be going to the sitter starting OCt 1st and I dont want her to feel uncomfortable with him on his stomach when he sleeps there at night. So.....I think I will be cranky for awhile because this child HATES sleeping on his back.

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