Sunday, September 20, 2009

talking....well, kinda

So it has been a very interesting week. We went house hunting again and I found my dream house(for what we can afford) it was perfect for us. It had just come on the market that day! So we were going to put on offer in and found out a stupid cash investor came in and gave the bank money and bought the house. OMG this is the 3rd time this has happened to us. Yeah there are lots of great deals on houses right now, if you have the cash! ughh, I try not to get super excited about the houses, but i Loved this one and I am still mourning it! Anyway, about the boy. He has really started focusing on objects, tracking really well and being vocal. He likes to talk to his buddy Joe the octopus and Baluga the whale on his playmat as well as the flying frog on his swing. He will also make noise to get you to look at him if you are not paying attention. I caught a video of him talking to the flying frog. you will have to turn your volume up. Couple new pics also including the redskins outfit. We were hoping he would bring them some luck. I am not holding my breath!

Go Redskins!!

This is Jake taling, he throws his head back and says "hoooooo"

Frickin cutie

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