Saturday, September 26, 2009

just hanging around

Now that Kurt is back on shift work he has a lot more time, and since I have not returned to work yet (oct 1st) we have had good quality family time together. We really dont do anything productive, we sleep until Jake wakes up from his morning nap, usually 9 or 10, we watch tv, play with the little guy, take walks. Its very nice and great family time. Kurt and I each have things we like to do with him, I like to make up songs or play under the sea, Kurt likes to play his guitar. I found Kurt and Jake upstairs the other day and was awed at how Jake was watching Kurt. I cant imagine having more love for 2 people, yet everyday I do. Please also note the hilarious hair line!

1 comment:

  1. That video is so adorable. It sounds crazy, but its hard for me to remember Taylor cooing like that. Everyone says they grow up fast, and they do! They change so quickly, that its hard to remember the old things they did. Soak it all up!
