Monday, June 7, 2010

So much: part deux

Kurts Mom and sister came down for the weekend. We had a fun visit. WE went to the strawberry festival but did not take any pics because it was not that great and it was realllly HOT. Jake thought it was a fun game to give Gangi kisses while she blew zerberts at him

Look at my boys curls. His hair is touching his back now

There is a really cool NASA museum about 30 min away. Everything is interactive so Kurt and I had a great time. I think Jake enjoyed it also.

We went to the Aquarium today, Jake liked looking at fish. Katie-- remember last time we went and you were pregnant with Taylor, you had a sip of JT's coffee and it was soo hot and crowded you almost puked. Haha, its much nicer now!

We went to the park today. Jake Loves to climb UP the slide and has now discovered that he loves the swing.

LIttle man walking like a pro!

He LOVES the swing

1 comment:

  1. OK that last video is HILARIOUS. I can't wait to meet this little booger. And YES, I remember the aquarium and almost puking!!! UUUuuuuugh! So many people, so little space! Great blog!
