Saturday, June 5, 2010

so much to say: part one

This is the first chance in a month I have had to do the blog and I have a LOT to say! We have had a bunch of stuff going on, and it seems like Jake is learning something new each day, its hard to keep up with. Jake will be 11mo in a couple days.
Here is a list of his new/favorite things
1. loves peek-a-boo
2. talks gibberish
3. cruises all the furniture and walks with toy scooter
4. claps hands
5. rolls tongue ( like the spanish r)
6. waves bye-bye
7. will stand alone for up to 10 seconds (as long as he doesn't realize what he is doing)
8. says " mmmmmm" when he eats something he likes.
9. loves to play in the bay
10. Has 4 teeth

Cute pic of moe and Flex

I can clap!


"hey mom, look at all my teeth"

Working on walking


We had Kurts dad come visit a couple weekends ago. It was a nice visit and we went to an airshow called Warbirds Over the Beach. It features reconditioned WWI, WWII planes and re-enactments with real uniforms and gear. They also have pilots from WWII make the trip, we met 2 ACES that flew for Germany over the eastern front.

Hang tight all you blog followers, there is part two of this blog to come hopefully tomorrow!

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