Sunday, June 13, 2010


After 20mo of being a slacker I had my first triathlon in over 2 years scheduled. Unfortunately due to a foot injury my triathlon became a bi-athlon with just the swim and bike portion. I was pretty bummed about this but decided to make the best out of the situation since I had already been training and had already paid for the darn thing. I think it went fairly well, my swim was faster than anticipated and bike was just about what I thought. I hope to get my foot healed up to be able to complete another tri in September.

Jake is such a trooper. We woke him up at 5:30am and he did not complain one bit!

Jake was very curious about the swim cap

I love that he is pinching my cheek!

I am in this mob somewhere

The end of the swim

My support team!

Jake had this hilarious curly Q on the top of his head. With the curls on the side he looked like a mix of a clown and Bam-Bam. So funny. Kurt wanted to put a blue bow in his hair!

I am always being asked for "eating" videos because Jake Gobbles his food. We have found that he hordes finger food in his hand. He will grab as much as he can in each hand then crawl away and snack on his supply. Watch how many times he grabbed for the cheerios in the video. He also says "mmmmmm" when he likes something.

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