Friday, July 31, 2009

getting by pretty well

It is now friday and after my first week with just me and jake (until kurt comes home at 6) I think we did pretty well. We had a couple good days, a couple hard days. I have learned a couple things this week....
1. babies dont follow a master plan (when I want to sleep, he doesnt),
2. I really dont know much. I think I have it figured out and know how to put him to sleep like walking and shushing or swaddling with a pacifier; but each nap time is different and requires new creativity to get those precious eyes to close.
3. even if I am dead tired the longer I walk outside with him, the longer he stays asleep!
4. the UPS man is a welcome conversation
5. it is ok to let him cry a little, especially if it means a trip to the bathroom or a shower!

I know that each week will continue to get better ( although I am not complaining right now) but I am thankful for the weekend and Kurt being home!

A double chin means a healthy baby! haha

Holding on to Dad for dear life...

working on belly time

Dad and Jake

Sunday, July 26, 2009

2 weeks

I cant believe it has been 2 weeks already! Jake is doing really well and I am trying to sleep as much as possible! We have taken him out a little, mostly on car rides and walks. He always falls asleep for walks and most of the time for car rides. His stinky umbilical cord finally fell off also so today he will be getting a proper bath!
We also made a stepping stone and put his feet in it then wrote his birth day and decorated it. He was a good sport about having his feet in cement.
I had bought this really cute hawaiian shirt that was newborn size and wanted to get pics of him in it, so we went to the beach last night and took some. I think they came out pretty well for not being professional.

At the beach

Isnt his shirt cute!

I think if he could talk he would say "NO MORE PICTURES!"

Feet in the stone

Just cute

Monday, July 20, 2009

1st bath

We made it through a week! I cant believe it has been over a week already. we are both still doing great, Jake's cheeks just keep getting bigger and he is putting all his weight back on which is good!
We gave him a bath last week, he did pretty well, cried a little. He cries like crazy when my mom or I change his diaper also, but does not cry at all when Kurt does. go figure, daddy has the touch!
Not much else happening here, just day to day baby!
I added lots of pics, bathtime, doctors appointment and the others were just so darn cute I couldnt help myself!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

getting better

well we have been home for a couple days now and i think things are getting a little better. I think Jake would sleep for about 4-5 hours at a time if he didnt have the hiccups. They wake him up then he gets upset and starts to cry. If they go away he falls right back asleep or if I pick him up and hold him on his side or stomach they seem to disappear. Last night I tried the gas drops ( thanks KAtie!!) and he slept for 4 hours at a time! So maybe that will continue to help. Any other suggestions from you moms out there are gladly welcome!

He had his first doctors appointment yesterday and did very well, the doctor said everything looked great. He was very well behaved, slept entire time other than when we had to weigh him!

We went for a nice walk today, felt good to get out and he slept the entire time.

Monday, July 13, 2009

home with jake

Yeah, we are home. I am so happy to have my own bed and couch and comfortable furniture. The hospital bed was one of the worst I have ever slept in! So we came home sunday afternoon and then I was hit with reality. I was up ALL night sunday night. jake had just figured out how to latch on, but I didnt have any milk yet so I was trying to give him formula but didnt know how much to give and I think I starved the poor child, he wouldnt go to sleep and I was very frustrated. I had decided not to wake Kurt to help because he is in the middle of recruit school and had a physical agility test early the next morning (which he passed!).
Monday however was great, jake was happy, my parents are both here and have helped tremendously!

I am very happy to say that last night was MUCH better. I think I got 5+ hours of sleep! We are slowly figuring our little man out, but are so happy and have so much love for him!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Jake Detrick

Baby Jake is here. he came at 12:03 am on 7/11. he weighs 8lbs 4ounces and is 21 inches long. he has huge feet and peed on me immediately! I was in labor for about 13 hours: not too bad. He is a healthy baby and I am doing well also, so we are very happy.

He also taked after me and has HUGE feet!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

july 4th and 40 weeks

Today I am 40 weeks. We were really hoping Jake would come today but it doesnt feel like today will be the day. Oh well. We went to the beach early in the day, took a little walk then I got to "float" which is my favorite thing to do right now. I take those noodles and put one under my belly and the other under my arms and just sit in the water. It really helps the swelling. My dad went out in the water with me today. Not much else planned for the 4th. Fireworks in VB are difficult to see unless you really want to fight nasty beach traffic or get to the beach at 10am and sit there all day. So I think we will just hang out at the house and watch on TV this year.

This is my prego shadow, kinda cool pic...

40 weeks!

I am floating!

Dad and I getting out of water

Thursday, July 2, 2009


My parents are in town now awaiting the arrival of baby Jake and my mom and I decided to indulge ourselves. we went and had pedicures and then stopped at the Royal Chocolate and picked up some delicious chocolate.

I am patiently waiting my labor. I actually had the choice of inducing today but decided to wait it out and see if he comes on his own. So really I chose pedicures and chocolate over my child today. hahah.