Friday, July 31, 2009

getting by pretty well

It is now friday and after my first week with just me and jake (until kurt comes home at 6) I think we did pretty well. We had a couple good days, a couple hard days. I have learned a couple things this week....
1. babies dont follow a master plan (when I want to sleep, he doesnt),
2. I really dont know much. I think I have it figured out and know how to put him to sleep like walking and shushing or swaddling with a pacifier; but each nap time is different and requires new creativity to get those precious eyes to close.
3. even if I am dead tired the longer I walk outside with him, the longer he stays asleep!
4. the UPS man is a welcome conversation
5. it is ok to let him cry a little, especially if it means a trip to the bathroom or a shower!

I know that each week will continue to get better ( although I am not complaining right now) but I am thankful for the weekend and Kurt being home!

A double chin means a healthy baby! haha

Holding on to Dad for dear life...

working on belly time

Dad and Jake

1 comment:

  1. HA! All of those things are so true. Glad things are going well and that slowly but surely you are figuring things out. Gotta love healthy babies!!!!
