Thursday, July 16, 2009

getting better

well we have been home for a couple days now and i think things are getting a little better. I think Jake would sleep for about 4-5 hours at a time if he didnt have the hiccups. They wake him up then he gets upset and starts to cry. If they go away he falls right back asleep or if I pick him up and hold him on his side or stomach they seem to disappear. Last night I tried the gas drops ( thanks KAtie!!) and he slept for 4 hours at a time! So maybe that will continue to help. Any other suggestions from you moms out there are gladly welcome!

He had his first doctors appointment yesterday and did very well, the doctor said everything looked great. He was very well behaved, slept entire time other than when we had to weigh him!

We went for a nice walk today, felt good to get out and he slept the entire time.

1 comment:

  1. OH my goodness, that last picture is ADORABLE! GLad to hear things are going good and that the gas drops helped!
